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Can BUNKR’s password manager replace my current password manager ?

Home FAQ

Yes, BUNKR’s password manager can replace your current personal password manager. We handle imports from every major password manager. This is something our customers can do themselves but for help, once you download BUNKR just reach out on BUNKR Support and they guide you through the steps.

Why Use BUNKR’s Password Manager instead of Keychain, Chrome password manager or others ?

First, BUNKR, Apple Keychain, Chrome work great together to make logins faster and easier but Keychain and Chrome do not solve all the problems BUNKR password manager solves, see below.

BUNKR customers keep PINs, gate codes, safe combinations, passwords which you have to enter on another device like a monitor, as well as WiFi passwords in BUNKR. These in addition to traditional online passwords. Keychain and Chrome do not comprehensively manage all of these.

Importantly with BUNKR you can instantly and securely SHARE codes and passwords with trusted people who need them. This is a huge stress relief in a pinch. BUNKR shares across Apple, Android, MacOS and even Windows Desktop so that you do not have to worry about the operating system of the person you share with.

Next, for identity theft protection reasons, it is very important to have a secure list of all your passwords in the event your personal information has been involved in a data breach and you need to change passwords on your accounts.

Lastly, in all BUNKR managed passwords there is a NOTES section so you can keep account numbers associated with that login like our electric, water, banking as well as airlines and travel account numbers, it is amazing to have these handy when on the phone and someone asks your account number.

Overall, with just a few seconds of organization a massive amount of administrative stress can be eliminated by BUNKR.

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Is there a BUNKR affiliate program ?

Yes. BUNKR offers an affiliate program which provides third parties special discounts and in some cases a co-branded version of BUNKR which they can offer to their their audiences.

Often times affiliates are enthusiastic about BUNKR’s vision, values and product and simply want to promote BUNKR to people and businesses they know. Other affiliates desire to build a value-added service business around BUNKR’s fast-growing secure and private platform.

Larger affiliates often wish to provide a custom branded version of BUNKR to their customers and members as a value add service. These affiliates recognzie their customers and members are targets of cybercrimes and frauds of all kinds, and their customer-members need a highly affordable platform for protection.

Regardless of the motivation, reach out to BUNKR for to receive more information:


BUNKR’s first principle is that privacy is a human right and that means we will never sell customer data in any form to any third party. This also means we never collect more information than necessary from our customers. The serious treatment of information security is essential to keeping our customers information private. In this way privacy and information security are closely inter-related.

A second foundational principle is that BUNKR believes we must use our own product and services in our own lives, and would enthusiastically recommend our products to friends, family and loved ones.

Far too often executives of today’s corporations sell their products to the public but do not allow their own family members to use them. This is a tell-tale sign that those products are “damaging to their customers” and we believe this is unethical.

Every member of BUNKR team uses our own product extensively in managing all parts of our familes’ lives.

For more information visit our the Vision and Values section of our web site
